I'm back again with a post about shaking colds WITHOUT medication! That means no side effects, no shelling out a chunk of change for the "good stuff" because you're THAT sick, no trips to the doctor and no long lines in the pharmacy when you're miserable. Doesn't that sound great? Yes, it does and it feels great too. Let me share with you a little story.
The Background Story
I have tried to fight colds without medication for some years now for the above reasons. Again,not wanting to spend money unnecessarily but giving in because I couldn't take it any more, not being insured and able to afford trips to the doctor for antibiotics, and probably most of all, not wanting to harm my health by consuming a lot of medication. (My grandmother experienced stomach problems in her last days due to consumption of medication over the years.) I would drink orange juice, water, eat fruit, and take vitamin C tablets until the cold went away. If I could make it this way, the cold usually took about a week to pass and it would get worse before it got better, even if I had taken action at the very first signs. Most often, I was miserably congested and just had to wait for it to clear itself up. I'm sure many of you can relate.The Conditions
But I had a different experience very recently. First, I should let you know how I got sick. I did laundry the other day and air dried 2 huge loads in my room. I sleep on the couch more often than I would like to admit so I decided to sleep in my room that night. On top of that, I'm trying to keep energy costs down and don't turn on the heat unless it's FREEZING. Well, it wasn't freezing and I have warm blankets. The next morning I woke up with a sore throat and feeling the congestion coming on full force. I really thought I was in for it.So regretfully, I climbed out of bed and went about my day. I washed my hair and blew dry it for about 2 minutes at the roots and pulled the damp hair back in a bun (I was already sick anyway).
Keep in mind these conditions.
The Cure
In an effort to combat this cold (which I predicted would be unsuccessful), I drank plenty of water and made sure to eat some fruit. I also took 1500 mg of Vitamin C before I went to bed that night. Again, I didn't see a need for the heater on. I woke up the next day and felt about the same which kind of surprised me because again, I thought I was a gonner. So I made sure to drink lots of water and take another 1500 mg of Vitamin C again before I went to bed and this time, I turned on the heater. I woke up the next day and felt better. I took another 1500 mg of Vita C that day and drank 2 liters of water before 5:30 pm. It is now Sunday, a few days later and I have yet to actually move to the next stage of "sick." And I don't think I'm going to.What to take away from this post
Fighting sickness is a daily activity, not something we do just when we get sick. If you take care of yourself well each and every day to the best of your ability, then when those pesky seasonal infections come to knock you down, you will be able to quickly bounce back to your normal self again (or at least functional so you don't fall behind and spend time sick and miserable).
My Home Remedy for Curing A Common Chest Cold:
1. Don't sleep in a cold room (DUH lol)2. Eat well daily.
3. Drink plenty of water daily.
4. Take Vitamin C tablets (these are great for detoxing the body as well according to Dr. Walter Crinnion, author of Clean, Lean, And Green: Get Rid Of The Toxins That Are Making You Fat. Supplement quality is an issue so please choose carefully as it is not regulated by the FDA. At this time, I use Nature Made.)
5. Get 6-8 hours of sleep each night