Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Health Benefits of Buckwheat Flour

Hi to you lovely people concerned for your health!

I want to share with you the health benefits of buckwheat flour, my favorite go-to flour. As a matter of fact, it's the only flour I use at this time. (I do want to try brown rice bran, millet, and other flours but right now, I can only justify the purchase of this one wonder flour.)

Why We Should Drop White Flour Altogether:

What turned me on to this flour was its ability to metabolize in our bodies in a much better way than white flour.  White flour is immediately converted to glucose and stored in our fat cells if not used up as energy right away (you might as well be eating sugar by the spoonfuls). What does this mean? It means we gain weight, we get bloated, and have more belly fat, the worst place to hold our fat.  Further, enriched white flour is toxic to humans.  Enriching white flour means stripping wheat flour of its nutrients and fiber, bleaching it, and then adding back toxic compounds that are marketed to be good for our health.  The "nutrients" that are added back (hence making it enriched) are derived from substances that are not bio-available to the human body and therefore increase our toxic burden.

How I Discovered Buckwheat Flour:

Going whole wheat is recommended among experts for this reason but I find that even whole wheat affects me adversely.  Consuming it seems to leave me bloated and feeling uncomfortable (And of course, even wheat if absolutely off limits to those suffering from Celiac disease).  I came across buckwheat flour haphazardly in my quest for knowledge of health and nutrition and decided to give it a whirl one day when looking for a flour for pizza crust.  I ended up using whole wheat for the pizza crust anyway because I just happen to still have some on hand but made buckwheat pancakes for the first time the next day and that's when I became hooked on this flour! I just recently made some pumpkin cookies with it and fresh pumpkin and they turned out very yummy. (Check out this recipe along with others on the parent blog, The Green Home Cook Diva at

I use this brand and I love it. This is a bulk packaging offer which is a great deal (1 pack is nearly $5). Store in the freezer and it will keep for several months. (ps if you click this link and place an order, I make a small commission which would finance more recipes and video demonstrations on YouTube!)

The Health Benefits of Buckwheat Flour:

  • protein rich (excellent for vegetarian diets)
  • high in fiber (unlike white flour which is very low in fiber and this further contributes to toxicity in the human body - regular bowel movements are essential in detoxing our bodies)
  • contains several nutrients, some of which promote cardiovascular health (folate, magnesium, potassium to name a few) which work to lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation
  • contains b vitamins which help fight depression and give you energy
  • has been shown to help lower blood sugar which is essential in fighting diabetes (while white flour sends a sugar spike through your blood - a cause of obesity and diabetes)

Further Readings:

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